Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Super Angie...Apolo's commerical

Dallin and I got to go be in a commercial with Apolo Ohno. We had a blast. Afterwards we got autographs. It was a fun way to spend the day with Dallin...something neither of us will ever forget!

Super Angie...a secret

Rick is building something at our house...and its a big secret!

Super Angie...Best Friends

Friday, March 26, 2010

Super Angie...sometimes forgotten

Sometimes its easy to over look Tanith. Shes not learning Math or reading. She isn't doing cursive or sounding out spelling words. Sometimes she gets forgotten. She is an easy going child...she will happily play in the playroom, or run outside. She is good at watching her favorite TV shows and sometimes won't say a word for a whole hour.

So its nice to have a moment like this...I drew her some Easter Eggs on colored paper and gave her some crayons. Shes been coloring for at least an hour...happily singing as she does. And always quick to give me a smile and a "I Love You!"

Love you too Tan.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Super Angie...Disney on Ice

I took the kids to see Disney on Ice. I bought the cheap seats, so we were WAY UP HIGH. Our seats were actually right by where I sat for the 2002 Olympics figure skating events, and the kids thought that was neat to see. ** this speed skating pic is left over from the SLC Olympics...notice Dallin is in Basic Position!
Did I mentioned how high up we were?...way ...up...HIGH!
I spoiled everyone with TONS OF JUNK FOOD. Its Disney on Ice, aren't you supposed to eat a ton of crap?

Brennan and Tanith REALLY liked the opening segment with the characters from CARS. I wish I could have captured the HUGE GRIN on Brennan's face. It was so great. I actually watched them more then the show.

But after CARS, the kids grew restless. They didn't care much for the actual skating. Didn't really care about the other fairytales and stories told. So when the whining picked up after intermission, we just packed up and left.

Oh well...

But seeing Brennan and Tanith so excited about CARS...priceless and well worth going!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Super Angie...homeschooling fun day

Sorry no pics, but today was a fantastic day.

Dallin started doing Division for the first time. He did FREAKING AWESOME. It was really exciting teaching him.

We got a lot of school work done at home.

Lots of REALLY GOOD quality time spent with each child and their schooling.

Then we went to a park.

We took a picnic and while we ate it, we talked about the view, what we saw and read a book about the American Robin. We learned all about it. Then the boys each wrote in their journals about it. I was impressed with Brennan. He sounded out words so well and really is getting good at writing. It was simply wonderful.

Then we played and played at the playground.

I love homeschooling!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Super Angie... its easy being green

The kids with their green hostess snow balls... a family tradition!

we went ice skating with a bunch of homeschoolers.

Everyone had a blast~

Super Angie...Chinese Fever

Yesterday morning, I noticed a friend on FB was a dancer this year in the Chinese New Years celebrations in Seattle. He had pictures up of all the dragon and lion dancers. Very very cool. I have ALWAYS loved these costumes! So I showed the kids and they promptly wanted me to print up some coloring pages of Chinese lions and dragons.

They set to work coloring or drawing their own.

Then we went out to lunch at China Lilly. Yummm. Tomorrow our Chinese language tutor will come...we sure do have Chinese Fever at our house. YEA FOR CHINA!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Super Angie...a few spare minutes

What can I do with a few spare minutes??

Go across the street and shoot hoops with my 9 yr old. He LOVES it!

--Super Angie

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Super Angie...Tyler's Jazz Band

We were invited to go to my nephew's (Tyler) Jazz Band concert at a festival at BYU. I must say, it was awesome. His small band was far superior to those of the bigger bands. And considering his high school is brand new...really impressive.

It totally took me back to my Jr High and H.S. days of going to concerts. And of course, also watching my brother Paul play in many festivals. Dallin came with and loved it. It was fun seeing Paul and Trish and Kaylee, and of course Tyler.


--Super Angie

Super Angie... Pop's computer

Its always fun when my dad is around. He finds the most hilarious things on the net, and the kids love sitting on his lap watching all sorts of videos and looking at funny animal pictures.

Super Angie..Gelato

YUM! Thats about all I can say about that.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Super Angie...winter wonderland

While my dad was in town, we had a major storm. It was so beautiful, we bailed on all our other plans for the day and went for a drive up American Fork Canyon. Simply gorgeous!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Super Angie...there is no charge for awesomeness

After having an extremely hard time, and thinking extremely negative thoughts, a very wise friend told me to make a list of all the things, big and small that I do that makes me an AWESOME MOM...so here goes.

  • i put lotion on my kid's faces when they are dry and cracked.
  • sometimes i help them with their chores
  • i hang up their art work, all over the house
  • i let them decorate their own room
  • i understand that sometimes, everyone needs a "do nothing" day
  • i take them out with me for one on one activities
  • i let them serve me and I serve them
  • i let my kids listen to the chipmunks almost daily in the car
  • i help Dallin with his scouting acheivements and make sure he gets things done
  • i sing to Tanith
  • I believe in Brennan--I don't think he's dumb like many probably do.
  • I like to do sports or activities with my kids.
  • I cook healthy food for them, and have healthy snacks for them.
  • I let them keep their toys out in the main family room instead of banishing them to the basement--I want to be where they can see me and I can see me.
  • I like teaching them about the world
  • I like making faces at them
  • I like cuddleing with them
  • I have a house full of photos of them...in every room there are many
  • I encourage them to have a good relationship with their dad and step mom.
  • if they don't want to learn a sport or take a particular class or lesson, I don't force the matter, simply because society thinks its normal for kids their age to do certain things.
  • i love them no matter what

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Super Angie...Speed, I am speed

My new speeds FINALLY arrive. I bought them on eBay and took quite a gamble that they would fit and guess what..THEY DO!

I can't wait for my lesson tonight. Last night I had a fabulous lesson--going the fastest I've ever gone and actually gaining some confidence in my cross overs. Our "old" class was allowed to do a "make up" class yesterday because last Wed, the rink was closed. So last night we were allowed to join a brand new class--their first time on the ice. First, it was so awesome to get compliments from the new students and their parents-- "wow, you guys are so good!" and "you've only been speed skating for a month!" Second, because there was our class, plus the new beginner class, there were A LOT of skaters out there. So Parker had us work separately. Our class did a lot of laps while he worked with the new students in the middle of the rink. Then our class worked on bucket drills (one skater places a hand on a bucket and does cross overs in a circle). Then Parker had us set up the track and show the new students our best form as we did two laps. Then the new students did laps. Then we were split into groups and we raced. Meanwhile, seeing that Parker needed some help, two other instructors came over. One guy, Pat, was so impressed with my skating that he came over to me and gave me some pointers. He said that my speed is incredible for only a month and then he helped me fix my cross overs. It was amazing. I have never skated better.

I'm excited for tonight. Tonight I start STEP 1 short track. STEP is " Strength, Training, Endurance, Power". After completing Learn To Skate, if you get the okay of your instructor, you can move up into the STEP program. I'm soooo excited for this new class tonight.


On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping