Today I took Dallin out of school early and headed up to Murray, UT, to an Albertson's grocery store that was participating in TOYS FOR TOTS with the ladies from Good Things Utah.
The boys were excited and fully understood the reason we were going--to buy toys for kids who don't have any.
We arrived and saw an Army truck parked out front that was loaded up with toys. Very cool!! As we walked inside, right away we saw Nicea and Mike from Good Things Utah. The kids recognized them and we had fun chatting (about fashion, China, Christmas shopping etc). Nicea fell in love with Tanith (can you blame her?). There were also a bunch of Marines there helping. Very very cool!!! Tanith enjoyed eating a cookie and Brennan got his coat pockets stuffed with chocolates from Nicea.
Dallin and Brennan immediately found where all the toys were stacked up for sale and started loading up the cart. They had a $200 total limit and we actually did really well--$215 for our grand total. They picked monster trucks that make music, pirate ships, race cars, tea sets, barbie dolls, hot wheel cars, checkers, lizards, baby toys, build a bear toys and many others. They just had so much fun picking stuff out.
After we paid, we went back to where Nicea and Mike were and found that Angie had now shown up. She recognized us, which was fun (we have met her a few times at Good Things Utah events and occasionally I email with her). Then she surprised us...she wanted to film the boys loading up the army truck with the toys!!! So, we went outside with a film crew. The Marines helped the boys up into the truck and then we started handing them toys from the cart. They had soooo much fun stacking the toys in the truck and getting so much attention. Then Angie interviewed them for the news tonight! They did soooo well in their little interview--they were thoughtful about their answers and knew exactly why they needed to give these toys away. I am so proud of them! I knew Dallin would understand, but Brennan really surprised me with his interview.
THEN Angie interviewed ME! OH MY GOSH! Totally funny.
Anyway, it was a great, heart warming time and I am glad we went. Well worth taking Dallin out of school for this. I am sure they won't forget this anytime soon!
--Super Angie
Wow that is great. What a neat experience for everyone!!! You are so generous to do that and I am not surprised at how much fun Breanan and Dallin had. they will remember this for a long time. I am sad that I didn't go. But it was good for me to rest. I am thinking good things utah is on channel 5 so I am hoping the I will try and watch the news tonight. I would love to see you on TV.
Its on channel 4. We will be on the news tonight (Thursday) probably at 5 or 5:30 or maybe even at 10
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