I bought a belt at my local American Fork, UT Target. I bought the belt two weeks ago. It snapped in half the 4th time I wore it. I don't have a receipt for it, but have never had a problem returning to Target, so I went in there today.
Apparently returns aren't so easy anymore. Even though I went to the belt department, found THE EXACT SAME BELT as mine (which proves that my belt came from the store), they seemed to have some problem giving me a refund. So I left, with my broken belt.
Not a happy camper. Guess I won't buy belts at Target anymore. ARGH!
--Super Unhappy Shopper Angie (just like Paris Hilton...she looks unhappy while shopping too!) LOL
Funny - I posted about this on my blog as well. Don't get mad ... get even.
Angie!! i have a trick - i keep ALL my receipts in a box ... no matter if it's for groceries, costco, gas, EVERYTHING ... then at the end of the year i go thru it and weed out the ones i won't ever need. and keep all the ones that are for things that i might at sometime need to return ... then when i DO need to return something i have it on hand! it's annoying but it totally works for me ...
you could do it so that you go thru it every month or so ... 90 days is usually the drop dead date ... anyway ... maybe that could help?
BUT on your side with Target not refunding! especially if you found the EXACT belt in the store ... they shouldn't CARE - they just send it back to the manufacturer! freaks!
great idea about the receipt box. I am gonna start doing this. annoying yes, but apparently some places aren't as COOL as Costco and Nordstroms. --side story about Nordstroms. In High school, I bought a pair of Doc Martins there. 2 yrs later, they were hashed from just general wear and tear, so I went to Nordstroms to buy a new pair. I mentioned to the sales guy that I wanted the exact same type I had on. He saw that they were hashed and he wanted to REPLACE THEM FOR FREE...and this was two years later. I had no receipt at all! SO AWESOME!
I like the idea of keeping the receipts for 3 months. I usually stuff them in my wallet until it explodes.
floor of my car
I know what you mean about Target. It is so annoying. Old Navy is like that now. You can't even exchange without a receipt. If you bought the belt with a credit card they can look it up for you. They wont tell you that, but I know it works becuase I have done it! I am sorry thought that sucks!
I did have them look it by credit card and they whined and whined about not finding my info. HELLO! Its a TARGET BELT. IT BROKE. Just refund me OR give me a new one. Dumb Dumb Dumb
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