We have a big event coming up and some changes to our family, so I felt the need to do a bit of sorting, organizing and "getting rid of". Dallin's school will have a garage sale in late May, so the timing is perfect...I can sort, organize and make my garage sale pile.
This morning, I spent about an hour, and got Tanith's room SPICK AND SPAM. Her closet, for the last several months, had become the dumping ground for any peice of clothing she had outgrown. Today, I boxed them all up, went through her room and found tons of stuff to garage sale, or store in boxes. I also found an old bottle (YUCK) that had fallen behind her crib.
Now I am debating..is that enough sorting for the day, or should I tackle the boy's room? YIKES! Thats a scary thought.
--Super Angie
Good Chnges? It seems that way..really can you go wrong with gettin' a "CLEAN HOUSE"? I'm headed in the same direction. You are SUPER Angie!
good for you tackling the "behind the scenes" stuff....I need to do a little of that myself! I hope the changes are good ones?!!
Oh...by the way...I just went through a stack of cards on my desk and guess what I found?...your cards! The cherry, apple, orange, & strawberry ones....do you still want them...I can get them in the mail on Friday...I have a big stack of things going to the post office! I am so sorry they got lost in my mess...I have had them done for a while now! :)
changes?? what changes?
my boys closet sounds like i may rival tanith's! i need to get in there and do the same! our motto this year is 'lose weight in 2008' that includes all the extra clutter-weight we have! i need to get on that! thanks for the reminder!
Changes?!?! You can't just leave it at that! I love spring cleaning. We have been doing that a lot. Especially with a baby on the way. I am trying to get our house in order before she gets here or I am in trouble later. Nice job at tackling a whole room! Thats great.
Sorting and cleaning is always a challenge but when it is done it looks so good, I hope there aren't any changes I don't know about....????
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