Dallin helped Tanith with her cards. She was very excited to be getting cards and gifts and so much attention. She liked this unicorn card--its something I would have loved when I was a child!
What could be inside?

One of her cabbage patch kids in a craddle and sleeping bag!
She started singing Rock a by Baby!

I'm so happy with how much she loved seeing her cabbage patch doll in this little sleeping bag and craddle that I used when I was little. My grandpa made the craddle and my mom made the bedding.

The boys gave her their old fisher price farm house and all the animals. She didn't notice that its been sitting in the playroom since she was born! LOL Love that about 2 yr olds. You can give them things they already have and they don't even notice. She is thrilled about the farm.

She also liked the kitty cat card the boys gave her.

Kissing the Frog card from Gaga and Pop.

Gaga and Pop gave her two Bryer horses. I think she is happy about them (Dallin is holding the sheep on her head in this pic).

While Dallin was at school, Brennan and Tanith played on the padio, in the sun, with the "new" farmhouse. She was in heaven!

Here's Tan's Neigh Neigh Cake.
She actually blew the candles out all by herself, but she did need her brothers encouragement. She took a deep breathe and blew hard. It surprised eveyrone!

She dug right in...literally. I don't have a picture of it, but she immediatly started digging in the cake and licking the frosting. This smile says exactly how she felt!
Happy Birthday my sweet baby love. I love you Tanith. You bring so much joy to your brothers, daddy and mama. Thanks for all your smiles and laughs.
--Super Angie
What a fun day, sorry to have missed it. Her face showed pure joy in the experience of HER day.
Happy Birthday Tanith! How fun. I can't believe that she is 2 already! Time flies.
She is so happy to be 2! Happy Birthday Tanith.
She looks sweet! Happy Bday Tan!
Happy birthday Tan. I love that the boys gave her the farm. So cute. That cake looks AWESOME!!!
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