First: I died my hair and only one person noticed. Yea! I feel great. LOL
Second: It snowed today and I'm loving it!
Third: Super Shannon went with me last night for BRING A FRIEND FOR FREE night at Momentum. She also participated in the class I teach, WERC Woman Experience Rock Climbing. We had an awesome time climbing and the class had record attendence--17 ladies and 5 instructors. YEA! Our next class is Dec 2nd. I won't be in town but the class will still happen.
Fourth: I had dental work done--now I'm in a ton of pain.
Fifth: I started figure skating again and have had one lesson. It feels great to be back on the ice.
Sixth: The stupid election is now over with. Can we all just move on now? Although,

Seventh: Our babysitter, Tiffany, brings her newborn with her and the kids just LOVE her. Here are some cute pics. Her name is Aspen and Tanith and Brennan and Dallin just adore her!
Eight: Tomorrow I begin my Thursday Moms Day with a trip to the temple at noon. Anyone who wants to join me is more the welcomed!
Ninth: My mouth really REALLY hurts from my dental work. :(
Tenth: The kids are all LOVING gymnastics. They practice all the time at home ( alsowhen they are at the the rock cl
Eleventh: We all enjoyed some cuddle time the other day and enjoyed a show about Badgers. Its so fun watching the kids enjoy animal shows. They all fight over who gets to sit by Rick. lol
Life is good...
--Super Angie
Poor mouth. But you have been putting off your dental for a while now, so you need it. Keep smiling...
I am so sorry about your mouth! I hate dental is the pits! So about your hair...I haven't seen you since then (I don't know how you saw me sunday and I didn't see you..little sneeky pants), but I am sure that I would have noticed. You look so cute with that hat on!
So, you'll be out of town for the Temple day in December, do you want to go next week, or are you climbing? I thought maybe we could climb on Tuesday and do the Temple on Thursday! Oh, and SORRY for not noticing your hair. I noticed how cute you looked:) But you usually do! And I am SOOOO sorry about your teeth...YUCK! I love ya!
December is all messed up because I'll be gone for the first two weeks, then the next Thursday is my birthday/Christmas concert and then its Christmas, so with everything happening in December, my Thursday thing is put on hold until January.
Can't climb on Tuesdays. Sorry. :(
Dental Work :(
I love your pics!
When is your bday?
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