I have been sick since the weekend. Went to church on Sunday only to teach my class for one hour and then came home (Rick was away, so I was alone). I taught my class on Monday, which was fantastic and took my mind off my sinus issues. Yesterday, I canceled my plans to go to the temple with Super Julie and instead took a 2 hour nap. Dallin had climbing team last night, so we went for that, and I climbed a few routes. It felt really good to get my joints moving and work out some toxins, but I came home and crashed at 8pm!
This morning, I'm still feeling stuffy, but I am trying my hardest to WILL myself over this sickness. I WILL GET BETTER FAST. We are taking the Warnicks climbing this Friday night. Can't wait!
--Super Angie...reaching for another kleenex
1 year ago
and tomorrow night you get your super speed-climbing workout on too...
Oh, the sinus stuff just absolutely SUCKS!!! My suggestion is nose spray, it at least helps you to sleep. And what is this little climing thing that your Dallin is in? I would love to get my Taylor and Dallin in something like that, in fact we are building a climbing wall in our play room and they've been a couple of times and really like it. Let me know okay!
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