Super Angie...Mt Rainier...PART SEVEN...crevasses are my friend
I loved looking at the glaciers and seeing the crevasses and ice falls on them The blue ice was so gorgeous! Okay...those crevasses look SCARY! I loved walking around on the Muir Snowfield and seeing all the crevasses. I jumped across a few. Fun stuff. Notice how THIN the start of this snow bridge is? I'm NUTS! Here I was...can I do it? It was fun figuring our way through the maze of crevasses. Isn't he sexy? Heres another one. I'm addicted to Crevasses!
I am Super Angie...a regular mom, who is sure her neighbors can all hear her scream at her kids. A regular mom who is trying to keep her house tidy, but often gives up to go update her status on Facebook. A regular mom who loves ROCK CLIMBING, ICE CLIMBING, FIGURE and SPEED SKATING and TRAVELING. A regular mom who adores her SUPER husband, her Super son Dallin, Super son Brennan and Super daughter Tanith. I am Super Angie and I believe in finding the SUPER moments in the everyday small and simple things we do.
Scary, but fun! Incredible!
OH MY... You are SO nuts! It is beautiful and amazing but OH MY...
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