Brennan has been taking ice skating lessons the past month and we enjoy skating together after his lessons. Yesterday was his last day, and he passed the class. He is so proud of his Snowplow Sam Level 1 patch he was awarded. He was beaming the whole way home from the rink, talking non-stop about it.
Brennan I am proud of you for learning all the skills and doing your very best. You worked hard and had a great attitude the whole time. I love you!
--Super Angie (with tears in my eyes)
When they were doing the "little steps" exercise he just clomped his way warp-speed across the rink so much faster than his classmates. It was cute
he is such a cutie!! he looks like a pro on the ice!! :)
looks like you did only you always had to wear the right costume, that was always the big project before we left home, what you were wearing.
Skating is totally about look great on the ice! I particulary loved my black and white floral skirt. Wish I still had it. And totally wish I still fit in it!!
That is great that he passed. I wish I would have learned how to ice-skate. Even though I suck at it I still enjoy going when I can!
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