I have my Twilight book to read on board. Its a 10 hour flight from LA to South Korea. And then 2 hours or so from SLC- LA and from South Korea to Beijing. Not to mention reading in the hotel while being wide away at 3am--anyone who has gone to Asia will tell you stories of what they did at 3am. Jet Lag is a funny thing.
Anyway, I'm excited to experience everything with Dallin. To see what is interesting to him as we visit all the major sites. There are a few new places we'll be going on this tour--like the Temple of Heaven and the Drum Tower. Should be fun. :) I signed us up to go to the optional show at the end. I think Dallin will like be so caught up in the culture. I look forward to meeting the other travelers...I sure hope there are some awesome people on this tour, like last year.
I'm gonna try to blog, if I have a connection there, if not...I will post a full report when I get back.
--Super Angie
** pic is from my trip to Beijing last year
I am so completely jealous of you right now that my skin has a very "Grinchy" color to it!
I hope it isn't toooo cold. You look cute in your hat.
I heard you made it safely to Korea already! Have fune.
Today Tan kept telling me that Mom was in China and Dallin was on an airplane. She was excited for you :)
It's been great talking and texting - the modern cellular world is amazing.
If anyone is coming here to check on you, and reading this - - -
Angie has been to the Birds Nest, the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Pearl Factory (though she sat that one out since there is a better/cheaper pearl place at the Silk Market).
Seems like no one in her group this year wants to go to the Great American Classic --- Hard Rock Cafe. She'll probably wait till the tour is over on one of her solo days.
They've had a ton of fun so far, and made lots of new friends.
I miss YOU!
The Silk Market, Pearl Market, Kung Fu show, Tienenman Square, Forbidden City. Just an update...
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