Ann and I met up at Movement for our Wednesday climbing date. She asked about my Vegas comp, and since I'm so lazy, I hadn't taken the bronze medal (which I didn't win) or the fake hockey trophy out of my purse, so after showing them to her, and laughing so hard, we decided to have a bit of fun....

Love this girl!

I love how my rock shoes look like ballet Pointe shoes. I'm cool like that

free solo baby

Um, Ann...what are you doing to my trophy?

And this is how my fake hockey trohpy got his name, Dude. My warm up was this 5.10a DUDE...it just stuck after that.

I got Dude. I got my medal. I got my climb on! Oh yeah!

We quickly learned, you climb better if you wear the medal..I'm sure everyone in the gym was jealous.

Dude in my pouch.

Dude down my shirt

Not my lover

Cookies? Did someone say Cookies?

Love these phone holds

"Cute Boy" at the front desk--he loved the medal.

Me and Lettuce

Ann and bOOm bOOm

The growth.... with my trophy and medal.

With the help of my bronze medal, Ann sent Up and Down

DUDE...gettin a belay from us

Just making sure....

I simply love the name of this route

'Cause this is Thriller, Thriller night.... I am not a fan of the start of this route.


Another first and she CRUSHED IT!

free solo in my ugg boots and skating tights. Its all good..I'm wearing the medal!

And of course, Dude with the yummy soap in the bathroom.
We had such a fun time climbing with Dude and my bronze medal. I don't remember the last time I have laughed this hard. Thanks Ann...I love climbing with a fellow Candy@ss! YOU ARE DA BOMB! bOOm bOOm!
I loved climbing with you two that one time.
I love the name of the 5.11a route! :-)
Constantin, yeah! This is the first gym I've been to where the routes have names. LOVE IT! When you come visit, we'll have to go. The route setters are awesome!!!
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