Tonight is my Super Fun Climbing Party. I sent out darling Strawberry Shortcake invites a few weeks ago (GASP! I actually mailed them instead of just emailed invites). I took a chance and invited some "friends" that I'm not really on chummy terms with...it will be interesting to see if they come and if we can become "chummy" again.
I sadly found out yesterday that one invite to Tiffany and Ty didn't actually make it to the mail box and they already have plans. Darn!! I would have loved to have climbed with them. But I have had a good number of neighbors, ward members and friends RSVP, so I'm excited. I do think its rather lame that most people don't RSVP and just blow off the whole thing. I'm not concerned about how many people are coming, but it is nice and I think proper that when one receives an invitation in the mail, hand written mind you, that they should at least call or email to say Thanks, even if they have zero interest in coming. There have been many times I have gone to parties that I personally think are lame or silly, but I knew they were important to the hostest, so I went to show my love and friendship for her. At least be nice enough to tell the hostest that you are not able to come but appreciate the invite. Its like leaving comments on a blog. I try my hardest to comment on each post because obviously, that blogger thought it was important to blog about it and took the time to write and by leaving a comment, you are showing respect for the blogger. JMHO
Okay, enough soapbox...
Also today, Dallin's school is going to the gym on a field trip. I helped arrange this field trip, so if anyone reading this is interested in their child's class going on a fun rock climbing field trip, let me know and I can give you all the details. The kids are way excited to do some bouldering, learn about a new sport and get a Utah Climbing history lesson.
Oh, and one more thing...Rick was supposed to be climbing in Mexico this week, which is why I planned the party--have a party to keep me from missing my sweetie. But with all the horrible things going on in Mexico, and after having several concerned family members tell Rick he shouldn't go, he canceled his trip and is staying home. Thanks honey! I love you so much better when you are alive then dead! lol ;)
I'll post pictures tomorrow of the climbing party. I'm excited! There are lots of great people coming and I'm excited about getting to know people better.
--Super Angie
Gosh, feel bad for being the first to comment, since you mentioned people commenting, and no I don't always comment, but I feel like if I comment all the time as the first person to comment, it looks like your poor DH "HAS" to comment or something. But no, I just commented because I feel like it. I mean, there are lots of comment opportunities I pass up, but hey, thanks for being one of only 4 people to ever comment on any of my posts - that's totally cool and makes me feel almost justified in posting in the first place. That and the dozen or so people a week looking for instructions on "Top Rope Solo" I posted a while back. Anyway, hope to have fun tonight! Hope at least someone shows up for a change! Hope someone else comments so I don't feel like such a solo-commenter!
I love making comments! I don't get on the internet as much becuase life is so crazy right now, but every time I look I comment :)
I am also sad that I don't get to come tonight! Thanks for thinking of us. I hope all the kids and you are doing great. Miss everyone. Tell them all hi. Tell them Aspen is crawling and has 2 teeth now and that she says hi to :)
I have to comment on Rick's comment. Very nice comment on commenting.
I have to comment to agree with you about invites and RSVPs. Oh man! One of my major pet peeves... like, how hard is it to pick up the phone and say if you can come or not. I have actually had to switch to evites (even though I prefer writing my own), so that I can at least have some idea of who is coming. How lazy are we getting? Ack! Seriously! :o)
I hope I do OK:) Thanks for always planning fun stuff!
I feel bad...I totally forgot about this fun event! Sorry about that, you went to a lot of work to plan it and I just spaced it. :-(
As for the comment about comments (LOL). I can see your point about what you said...but I just view it differently, sometimes I just don't have anything to say about what they posted. It doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy what they had to say...I just don't have anything to add. That's all. Sometimes when I look at blogs, I only have a short time to look and so I would rather read or catch up on what is going on in that persons life rather than comment on each post. I would rather leave sincere comments then just try to throw in a comment so that I won't offend someone by not commenting. I always just take it as a compliment that someone even wants to look at my blog to begin with and not dwell so much on whether or not that person left a comment or not. Anyways that is how I look at it (otherwise I would always be hurt or offended by others...and who wants to live like that? LOL)
Sheesh...that was a LONG comment! :-)
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