Friday, August 13, 2021

Super Angie....mothering

Mothering is no easy tasks.  It's not just cleaning the laundry and driving to support practices.  It's teaching, mentoring, nursing and more.  And it never stops.  Is 4am. I've been wide awake since 3am. There's no urgent matter, simply deep concern.

Yesterday, Tanith and I took a drive up the canyon.  It has become my almost daily ritual. It is a place for me to find quiet and peace. It is a place for me to be off the grid.  I currently have a sprained ankle and a broken foot so we're not going up the canyon to do big grandiose so hiking and recreating but rather just to escape the world and feel His presence.

My relationship with God is what gets me through the Non-Stop concern and thoughts for my children. Quiet time with no noise or distractions, prayer and structure studying recharge me.

I often feel like I am being mothered from above. I know that my mother cares deeply for me. I know that my ancestral mother figures such as grandma, great grandma, great aunts etc are all aware of me and are cheering me on. And I know I have heavenly mother.

The only way to survive is to shut out the noise of the world, and quite frankly right now there is a lot of noise! 

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