Thursday, November 8, 2012

Super Angie...the letter

I just received the following letter...

To Angie Waibel . My very best wishes on your upcoming training and competing. I know the physical struggles that you are dealing with and I am so inspired by how you give so much to figure skating. THIS is a part that I love about my sport. I may be old and my body broken, but I don't think that that feeling you get when your blades hit the ice, the sound, or even the smell of the ice ever leave your heart. I am unable to compete and at times I miss it. However, seeing my little girl feel the same love and see her spirit lifted by it really moves me and it is enough. Hearing what you go through daily to come back to what you love is also very moving to me and you have become a wonderful role model and inspiration for Lillian. She remembers watching you at Skate for Hope and out of every group and skater there, she remembers liking to watch you. Of course she loves the Olympic and National stars and spending time in a show with them, but she also sees you as a big star in and I want to wish you our heartfelt best. We'll be watching and cheering you on. Shine on! Keep going and my little star is hoping big things for you

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On Belay
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Climb On!

Climb On!
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