Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Super Angie...super mad!

Dear Friends. I have to tell you about my horrible experience using reserve america USFS Maple Canyon Campground.

Heres what happened: my friends from Momentum (http://www.momentumclimbing.com) invited my family (husband and three kids including an 8 month old baby) to try outdoor climbing in Maple Canyon Utah. I went online to reserveamerica.com and reserved two campsites for the weekend of August 25th--prepaid. I printed out my receipts and packed up the gear. We got down to Maple and found our campsites were taken and there was no camp host to in force anything. We talked to the climbers occupying both sites who told us "its not our fault" and "good luck finding the host. We aren't moving to a new site". (Later when our car wouldn't start, we asked around for jumper cables and only ONE climber was friendly enough to help us. What is wrong with these climbers? Where is humanity??) We eventually gave up hope on those very un-kind and snobbish climbers and plopped our selves down in the vacant "group" site. Our trip was just so-so. The boys had fun climbing outside for the first time and we had a nice time as family, even though our sour camper neighbors stayed up drunk until 2am!!!
Anyway, When we returned home from our trip, we filled out the appropriate form on reserveamerica.com asking for a refund. Then I called and talked to Bill at the Utah Forest Service for the area of Maple Canyon. Bill told me he agreed that I should get a refund (and I was willing to pay the $15 for the group site). Bill told me to fill out a different form and reserveamerica would refund my money. So I did this....guess they don't care about climbers coming to their little campground and using their online reservations, because this is the response I got back.
Dear Ms. Miske,

Thank you for using Recreation.gov for your camping needs. It is my pleasure to assist you today.

The Group sites are $ 40. a night. You only paid $ 17. a night for your single sites. You will not be charged the additional
fees for using the group site as you were unable to find the campground host.

Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.

Thank you,

So, there you have it. There was NO campground host (found out they only come 3 times a week)! Reserveamerica.com RIPPED US OFF! They refused to give a refund on our fees. They even lied to us about the price of the group site (the sign at the group site said $15!!!).

Anyway, we are very frustrated, as you can imagine. Don't use Reserveamerica.com They charge an outrageous fee for their reservations. (The campsites in Maple are $8 each...they charge us an $9 reservation fee, for a total of $17 per campsite!!!!) If you want to camp, go to reserveamerica.com and search for the campground you like, and then google them to find a local phone number you can call to make a reservation.

So, there you go.
Frustrated Super Angie, signing off.... I'll post some pictures from the camp out in a day or two.

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On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping