To celebrate the mountain, we had a fun dinner our first night back. The food was great. I have no idea what this dish is, but it was good! Joe and Klaus, toasting their Vodka. James, Rick and I were the only ones not drinking Vodka. Joe and good old Klaus Rick and I enjoying the party Vlad and James. Anton and Irina
I'm SO sorry I have not commented on each of your posts- I want to keep in touch with my sweet friends, but life has me skimming through to do so.
I think, even with the sickness and disappointments, your trip was amazing! You have amazing photos. You did this with Rick, who I know you love being with. You met new people and made new friends (a talent of yours I envy!)...
You are truly SUPER Angie. I'm so glad you had this experience. You and I know- it is about the journey.
I am Super Angie...a regular mom, who is sure her neighbors can all hear her scream at her kids. A regular mom who is trying to keep her house tidy, but often gives up to go update her status on Facebook. A regular mom who loves ROCK CLIMBING, ICE CLIMBING, FIGURE and SPEED SKATING and TRAVELING. A regular mom who adores her SUPER husband, her Super son Dallin, Super son Brennan and Super daughter Tanith. I am Super Angie and I believe in finding the SUPER moments in the everyday small and simple things we do.
1 comment:
I'm SO sorry I have not commented on each of your posts- I want to keep in touch with my sweet friends, but life has me skimming through to do so.
I think, even with the sickness and disappointments, your trip was amazing! You have amazing photos. You did this with Rick, who I know you love being with. You met new people and made new friends (a talent of yours I envy!)...
You are truly SUPER Angie. I'm so glad you had this experience. You and I know- it is about the journey.
Love you.
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