Saturday, December 29, 2012

Super Angie... Going mobile!

So, here I am, on the couch, listening to a cracking fire, while blogging my phone. Woot! I will for sure get more blogging done now. :)

Christmas break had been awesome. We have gone sledding, skating, short hike, painting, gondola ride, skating Some More! I've work w Todd Gilles on choreography, which has been awesome. We have done all our work on the lake. Rick and Todd have gone ice climbing, hiked quandary and today they plan to hike another 14ner.

My dad had been here a few days, which has been so nice. We had a lovely time opening gifts and sharing laughs.

It's been very cold. -7 with a real feel of - 34!
But of  course, I love it!

I've met lots of new friends at the lake. And I've found my love of skating again. I cherish every second on the lake because I know it will soon end. It just feels so great to be active again, running programs, and having fun. I love just playing on the ice, looking at my edges, being expressive. And my new artistic program is unique, and beautiful. Wish I could skate full timer with Todd.

Brennan has been more cuddly. Dallin and tan too. Rick and I have had lots of quality time.

It's been a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Tiff said...

awesome super family! Way a fun update, things sound so good!

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping