Thursday, August 11, 2011

Super Angie...beach combing

Having grown up in Seattle, I am quite used to walking along the beach. The smell from the Ocean or Puget Sound. The different shells and sea kelp you always find. Its still exciting for me, but I'm used to it.
It was fun being with my dad, watching him enjoy the kids.
Dallin was busy, running here and there. I'm surprised I got a pic of him standing still!
We enjoyed the HUGE birds we saw, and the tanker boats in the Vancouver Harbor.

I was very happy that I could see my kids loving the beach.
Brennan and Tanith---hunters on the beach!

My kids on the other hand don't get this opportunity and they relished it! Crabs, muscles, and all sorts of goodies were collected and treasured. It was a perfect overcast day on the beach in Vancouver!

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On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping