Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Super Angie...Disney on Ice

I took the kids to see Disney on Ice. I bought the cheap seats, so we were WAY UP HIGH. Our seats were actually right by where I sat for the 2002 Olympics figure skating events, and the kids thought that was neat to see. ** this speed skating pic is left over from the SLC Olympics...notice Dallin is in Basic Position!
Did I mentioned how high up we were?...way ...up...HIGH!
I spoiled everyone with TONS OF JUNK FOOD. Its Disney on Ice, aren't you supposed to eat a ton of crap?

Brennan and Tanith REALLY liked the opening segment with the characters from CARS. I wish I could have captured the HUGE GRIN on Brennan's face. It was so great. I actually watched them more then the show.

But after CARS, the kids grew restless. They didn't care much for the actual skating. Didn't really care about the other fairytales and stories told. So when the whining picked up after intermission, we just packed up and left.

Oh well...

But seeing Brennan and Tanith so excited about CARS...priceless and well worth going!


Charles Miske said...

Fun to see them there now. They were really excited and tired when they got home.

jenn said...

packed up and left?!@#@ at least you bought cheap seats.

I wish I could comment on all the posts I've missed, but I'm catching up from being gone for 5 days and don't have time. I read them and love the positive way you approach life Super Angie!!

Amy said...

Don't you just love when you do stuff like that and then the kids whine, soooooo fun! Love that you guys went, we wanted to but just didn't get around to it.

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping