My little Brennan cracks me up. He is fearless. He will try anything. He will eat anything. He is soooo active. He won't sit still. He thinks he knows kung fu or something similar and likes to practice it and strike funny poses.
We watched Dispicable Me. Loved it! Such a darling movie. But it was soooo fun to watch Brennan watching it. This movie is TOTALLY HIM. Someone who has the heart of gold, and is so loving, yet, tries so hard to be "bad". He LOVED the dog in the movie and called him the Doom-a-geddon dog.
Brennan does soooo good at math, but with reading and writing, his little mind doesn't want to work that way, except for on He LOVES this site and his reading is improving because of it. Tonight at Target, Rick bought special gifts for each kid. Tanith got a DS game and a back pack. Dallin got a camera. Then Rick thought to get Brennan an educational DS game. Well, at first, Brennan wasn't thrilled at the idea that he wasn't getting Starwars or something similar. But once he was at home, playing his new educational game, he was so excited. He invited me to come sit with him and watch him. I'm so proud!
Yes, he wiggles. Yes, he can't say all his sounds right. Yes he is mischievous. But he is also one smart little cookie, and I just adore him.
--Super Angie
Soren saw the movie with a friend and loved it- the rest of us haven't seen it yet.
He has so many talents and such a positive personality- reading will come. He is a great kid!
Your Brennan seems like such a little stud! Darling post about him!
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