Since November was crazy, we decided to have Tanith's birthday party this week. A late birthday mixed with fun Valentines stuff. We invited one neighbor and then all the girls from her preschool. There was sadly, one little girl who got physical with Tanith and then yelled at me when he mom came to pick her up. Other then that, the kids were great and I think Tan really loved it.
I was surprised at some of the gifts. She got a lot of makeup. I think makeup for a 5 yr old is too much. Needless to say, we put it away and told her she might be able to wear some for a skating show. I'm sure I'm just old fashioned and a lot of people reading this blog are probably shaking their heads, but I really do think parents are letting their little kids, girls especially, grow up way too fast.
I don't pretend to be the perfect mom. I'm not gonna do the big elaborate birthday party. I believe that if you do that for a 5 yr old, what are they gonna expect when they are 10? We do a big special party for 8, because that is when they get baptized. Tanith was thrilled to just have some friends over, do some crafts and coloring and eat cupcakes. Nothing fancy. And the other kids seemed to love it as well.
Happy Birthday sweet Tanith!
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