When I found out several months ago that Lake Washington School District was preparing to tear down my old theater, I got sad, but didn't give it any more thought. I knew a few friends who would be going, but again, didn't think about going. I didn't care much to go see a bunch of H.S. kids I didn't know perform a closing show.
But then a parent from the drama department found boxes of old show pictures dating back to the 80s. She started putting them up on FB. I naturally was tagged in some, and started tagging other friends. It was really fun. We started chatting about past shows and cast parties and just had a blast remembering what used to be. We were there for the last show in the "old" Cadle theater, and we were there for the first show in the "new" Cadle theater. Now 17 yrs later, they were tearing down the "new" theater.
A good friend made a passing comment of "I wish you could be there" and it got me thinking...I should go and pay my respects and see the place that really shaped my life.
Rick happened to have some free flights on Southwest, so with only two days until the show, I booked my trip. THANKS HONEY!
It was a quick quick quick trip, but so fun. I met up with Rachel and Dave at Coho Cafe on Saturday night. Oh we laughed and caught up. It was so fun. And then we went to the show. I laughed so hard when I saw the garbage can in LW--totally Louis Vuitton inspired. Way cute!
The old school was fun to see. I ran into a few people from back in the day, including Irene Kaufman/ Dempsey, my old director. We shared some hugs and kisses and lots of tears. She means so much to me. My parents met us there and Laurence was there. I also got to say a final goodbye to Keith, which was fun. The show was great--TONS of Talent amongst those kids. We were all impressed.
It was emotional, and I'm really glad I made the trip...
--Super Angie
hey! that's me! ;)
Glad you made the trip too and the photo of that LW garbage can lid is priceless! I had not made the connection but the minute I read that on your blog, I had a slap on the forehead moment! Louis Vuitton! Of Course!
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