Saturday, March 15, 2008

Super Angie...must be March

Talk about March Madness!!

I have completely lost my voice...going on, what day 7 now of being dead sick. Its getting old, okay? Please, I just want to be healthy...

Its snowing. WTF MATE? Okay, so this week it has been in the 50s. I even wore flip flops one day. And now its snowing?


--Super Angie
PS. Brennan fell asleep at his friend's birthday party this morning, then came home and promptly threw up in the flower bed. It wasn't snowing then. It was sunny.
PPS. Rick took Dallin to Target and Costco today. Dallin is the king of all costco samples! He has a way with the ladies and is able to get multiple samples to chow down on. Cute kid!

1 comment:

Charles Miske said...

It snowed again on Sunday - then melted a few hours later - wild weather. Must be global warming. Or the next ice age - not sure which alarmist fad we're at the leading edge of now...

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping