Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Super Angie...my big girl

Tanith is now old enough to to go to Gym Rompers class all by herself. She is no longer in the Mom and Tot class. I was so sad the day I took her. I was nervous she wouldn't want to go without me. And I was nervous I wouldn't want her to go without me. I have really treasured our time going to this class since she was 18 months old. But to my surprise, she was TOTALLY FINE. She already knows Miss Jodi real well, so she just went straight to her. And then Jodi got one of the older girls in the class to be Tan's buddy and off they went. She only looked back once--with a big smile on her face.

My baby is growing up!!

--Super Angie

1 comment:

Super Angie's MOM said...

sad and happy the two emotions of a mom

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping