Some highlights: cuddleing on the couch,listening to Vivaldi, and enjoying a huge roaring fire.
Driving to Denver together
Enjoying small gifts we got for each other
Getting his figure skates!
Dinner at Red Robin
I'm always so happy to have my husband come out to visit. This weekend was hard however because of my ear. I was on total sensory overload--especially with Tanith being her. Her high pitched voice really hurt and gave me a headache. Because of this, Rick is taking her back to Utah for another week so I can heal more. I put off my trip to Vegas for yet another week. Gotta heal, gotta heal.
Rick was sooo nice and brought me a whole costco case of paper towels and TP. Our Costco is an hour away, so I never go. Always nice to get a new stock of the simple things.
Rick is my best friend. He is my soul mate. We are so connected. Its hard having him live in Utah, but we know its not permanent. Things will be "normal" soon enough. In the mean time, we are enjoying the times we do spend together.
--Super Angie
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