The Ear: its healing, but slowly. The bleeding and puss discharging has stopped, thankfully, and I have been able to lower my pain meds. yea! I still can't hear real well out of it, which is just annoying. I hear all sorts of sounds around the house and can't tell where they are coming from. Even when my phone rings, I can't locate it. Its annoying, but at least the bleeding has stopped. And the throbbing and ringing too. I am able to sleep at night.
Being alone: Rick has Tanith in Utah. The boys are with my ex. I'm all alone and it bites. If I were healthy, no prob. I'd be skating on the lake. Snow shoeing. Skiing. Shopping. People watching. But nope...not healthy, so here I sit, watching TV, reading, playing on FB and dreaming.
Skating in 2011: For ISI adult nationals I want to skate: Apologize (Dramatic), James Bond (character), Freestyle (maybe get a new program by then?), and Wonderful (Artistic). I won't bother Vassili with Wonderful until this spring. I'm excited for this program because I simply LOVE the music so much. Nicole cut it for me as my Christmas gift and its so beautiful Its WONDERFUL! I might do a Lite Entertainment as well...something fun like JUST DANCE or Dynamite. Something crazy I could have Caitlyn choreograph this summer. I also want to do a footwork program--possible music choice: walking on broken glass. :)
Hawaii: My mom is taking me to Hawaii at the end of Feb. I'm so excited! Believe it or not, I have never been there! YEA!
Japan and Singapore: We are going to Japan and Singapore at the end of March to pick up the boys and have some fun. Yea! I LOVE Tokyo and can't wait to take the kids there. :)
St. Louis: Feb 11th I compete in St. Louis at the Winter Classic. Can't wait. I love these comps. I love the feeling of competing and pushing myself. My coach once said something to me that really has changed the way I approach competing. I texted him and said, "I'm nervous" and he said, "why? just have fun!" and so I do! I go to have FUN and entertain people. And people know I LOVE it on the ice that even if I mess up, its still a great program. So fun. And so I go to St. Louis to compete and have a blast! Oh yeah...and seeing friends. I love seeing my skating friends. They are incredible! I have made some really awesome friends whom I admire so much. We are all adults and we all go almost daily to the cold rink and bust our butts learning and growing. And we all support each other. Its wonderful!
We are busy but happy. Life is strange and unconventional, but good. I hate having my husband live in another state, but we are working on that too. And I know sometime in 2011, he will be able to move out here. I love Colorado. I love Keystone...its simply gorgeous here. I'm very thankful and blessed.
--Super Angie
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