Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Super Angie...we are all Super, aren't we?

I got this song from my mom.

Sung to the primary tune "I have two little hands"
I have two little hands and two feet and one head
I am pretty and smart and I keep myself fed.
I know I am loved, and I love others too,
And when I have time, I will learn something new.
I know I'm not perfect, of faults I have too
But I will not name them--well, neither would you.
We all need to know, at the end of the day
When push comes to shove, we're all pretty okay!

Here are some questions....answer one or all...

Question 1 What kind of a little girl were you? I was a total tom-boy. I loved doing anything my brothers did. I loved to lay in the gutter when there was water flowing down it. I was extremely happy.
Question 2 If you had two hours of completely uninterrupted time what would you do? I would do something go Figure Skating, veg and watch Reality TV, go rock climbing or ice climbing.
Question 3 If you had $50 to spend on something foolish, how would you spend it? Oh man..I would probably buy another JUICY purse off eBay!
Question 4 Talk about one of the best days you've ever had Hmmm.... I have had so many great days. Giving birth to all three of my kids was a great day.
Question 5 If you could add one personality trait to yourself, what would it be? Why? NOT BE MOODY!! I get moody fairly easily and I hate it!!!!
Question 6 Name three things that have made you happy this last week. 1. Pushing my body hard at the comp and feeling good about what I did--even if it didn't measure up to how well others did. 2. Going to church and seeing Cathy and Callie. 3. stepping on the scale and seeing that I have lost 5 lbs.

We are all pretty dang super, aren't we? Stop thinking about all the negatives (my house isn't as clean as hers, or I am not as skinny, or my hair is lame, and start focusing on how special YOU are!

--Super Angie signing off... (photo is from Christmas time...figure skating on the frozen lake in Keystone, CO. Here I am doing my signature move--Hydro-blading )

ONE MORE THING...Go to Emily's Blog and find out what your name is.

Dallin is "Boobie Dippindoodle"
Brennan is "Crusty Dippindoodle"
Tanith is "Sloppy Farklefanny"
Rick is "Cheesy Farklefanny"

1 comment:

emily said...

Dorky Wafflebutt here ... that little song is so CUTE! i'll have to think on the questions and be back with some answers!

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping