Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Super Angie...a quiet moment

The boys are inside, watching Veggie Tails. I am out on the deck, in a rocking chair, with Tanith. I've been reading Tuesdays with Morrie and I am pondering life. I look at my daughter. We just came from the hot tub, so she is only wearing a diaper--I changed her from her swim suit and put a new diaper on, but no clothes. She seems fine with that.
The sky is a magical color of blue.Think of the bluest blue sky you have ever seen...this is better! Mixed with just the right amount of fluffy white clouds--not too many, not too few. Perfect. The sun is out, there is a slight breeze. The aspen trees are rustling. If you have never heard an aspen tree rustle, please, go to a forest and just sit. Its devine. The pine trees are swaying. The pine cons are a perfect shade of red and brown. 
My daughter smiles. That big huge toothy grin. Her blue eyes are matching the sky. Her blond curls are messy and flying every which way. 
I pick her up. Her body is so warm and soft. She curls into me and bites my sleeve. I don't mind...she is melting into me and I love her. She looks up from the biting to look into my eyes (and try to bite my nose--I put a stop to that). I realize how lucky I am....to be a mom. A super mom.
--Super Angie

1 comment:

Charles Miske said...

And how lucky we all are to have you in our lives. Thanks for that ray of sunshine on a stressful busy day at work.

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On Belay
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