Sunday, December 6, 2009

Super evening walk

I was in need of fresh air and some exercise, so I prepared to go on a walk when Brennan asked if he could go with. Sure! So we bundled up and headed out. He was a great little buddy. He keeps me entertained with the things he talks about and the things that interest him along the way. He really loved being on the golf course trail and even found a ball! :) It got dark and colder faster then I had thought, so we had to hurry home, but I enjoyed my little walk with my big bear.

I love you Brennan!
--Super Angie

1 comment:

JAnderegg said...

You live in such a beautiful area for a peaceful walk!

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping