With all this snow, we decided we should put out some bread for the birds And they came RIGHT AWAY and were not shy. Brennan was laughing the whole time these two birds were right next to him. They just kept coming and didn't seem to care that we were taking pictures, being loud and that Brennan was out there the whole time.
I am Super Angie...a regular mom, who is sure her neighbors can all hear her scream at her kids. A regular mom who is trying to keep her house tidy, but often gives up to go update her status on Facebook. A regular mom who loves ROCK CLIMBING, ICE CLIMBING, FIGURE and SPEED SKATING and TRAVELING. A regular mom who adores her SUPER husband, her Super son Dallin, Super son Brennan and Super daughter Tanith. I am Super Angie and I believe in finding the SUPER moments in the everyday small and simple things we do.
that is so cute!
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