I got to do a bit of the adult Coffee Club number to "Baby its cold out side". This number was simply about having fun and cheesing it up on the ice. Everyone wore red sweaters with black skirts or pants. We had white fluffy scarves too. I did my hydroblade plus a flip jump and then joined the ladies in a kick line and a few other things. It was just a fun time on the ice.
Then I did my I'll Be Home For Christmas program. The set was really nice and it was fun to skate again in a spot light. The crowd was appreciative. I wasn't nervous for this program-
Nicole and I exchanged Christmas presents. She gave me a beautiful bracelet that says
I had fun chatting with all the "girls" back stage. Its funny--they all know me from the in-house comp, or from freestyles, and they all came with hugs to say HI. Some of them refer to me as Lady Gaga. LOL Even their mothers come and say HI and tonight, one of them even offered to let me stay with them.
Nicole and I just laughed and laughed when we went out for the finale skate with Santa.
Then to the bar we went. Just a nice evening with a great friend. Skating and friends...Vegas is great! ARGH!
You look so cute
V. looks so patient back there in that group shot.
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