I love ice climbing. I started last season. It was a great season. The weather in Utah was perfect and we had ice even at the mouth of Provo Canyon until March. Well, this season, the ice is all wasted because of the warm weather. But no worries, there is always Ouray, Colorado which is home to some of the BEST climbing and even better...its literally a five minute walk from the hotels!
The problem...finding babysitters who will either A: accept coming to Ouray with their spouse (all expenses paid--gas, hotel, food) and see it as a great opportunity to have free evenings and a romantic getaway WITHOUT us paying them, or B: finding a babysitter who will stay at our house but only get paid for the hours the kids are awake. Nope...babysitters now adays want hundreds of dollars to travel with on these trips and then make such a huge mess that it gives us all headaches! OR they want to get paid for the complete 24 hours they stay at our house...even get paid for sleeping in our bed! OR...we try to hire a realative who actually OWES us money and they pass on the opportunity to pay off their debt.
So, finally, we found someone who is actually looking forward to going with on this trip to Ouray. Someone who isn't looking to get paid. Someone who really loves the kids. Great! Fantastic! The hotel reservation has been taken care of. Everything is planned and set in stone. And to make it even better, all this happens over Valentine's weekend AND Ouray is hosting a FREE kids climbing clinic complete with all the gear. YEA! We are all so excited.
And then...
Its someone from the Primary presidency.
CRAP! Our class is doing Sharing Time next Sunday. No big deal, right? I think it would be fun to do sharing time...but....thats our weekend!!!
So, it looks like Rick will go with our sweet friend Nate and they will climb their little hearts out. The kids will stay home with me (no free clinic) and I will miss out on my last opportunity to climb ice this season. Oh well..there is always 2010. And, at least I met my goal of loosing 25 lbs to be in better ice climbing shape for this year.
--Super Angie
The babysitter thing is pretty frustrating, for sure. I think there are some weird unrealistic tv shows that depict nanny type girls driving around in beemers and lugging designer bags around and all, like any in Utah fit that mold ... we even had one once offer that she could do the 24/7 thing for several hundred per day, a car, and a debit card to handle expenses. Um, I don't know what she was tokin'
I would seriously blow off the sharing time! It isn't that big of a deal, (I've been in the Primary Presidency for years - they'll get over it!) You are WAY too responsible. Way to go on loosing 25 pounds - you are looking GREAT!
Thanks Shannon! :) I think you are looking fantastic as well. :) And happy birthday today to Celise. :)
We will get you out just you wait.
Thanks Nate! You are an awesome climber! I can't wait to climb with ya!
I agree that Sharing Time could be rescheduled. No Primary presidency would be that inflexible, would they? I have rescheduled those many times over the years, both as a teacher and as a member of the presidency.
Look how responsible you are. Thought I think you could re-schedule. And, there is always next year where you will be in even better shape! Your dedication to work-outs and staying on track (and loosing 25 lbs) is AWESOME! You look fabulous!
Hey Angie,
Hey so I am the primary president and I might ... just might have some pull on this! LOL! Just give me a call and we can try to work it out k? Don't not go because of that!
Wow, lots of comments on this one - and lots of support too. LUVU!
sheesh, Ang, we totally could have worked around this (we have done it with other teachers) ya just have to tell us that there is a conflict :-)
Call Melissa and you can swap for a different week, don't change your plans! Crazy girl!
But thanks for not taking your HORRIBLE advice from your friend Shannon...seriously, you are WAY more responsible than that. I am suprised to hear someone from a primary presidency even suggest that. One of the WORST parts of my calling is dealing with irresponsible teachers bailing out and not fufilling the callings that they have been given. So to you I say thanks for not going down the easy path, heck, you even show up to teach when you don't feel good....
I love ya and hope that you will call so we can rearrange this, you deserve a fun weekend away!
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