Since 1995, my parents have lived overseas, except a short return of only about 6 months in 2003 I think. They moved to Germany for my dad's job. It was only supposed to be for 2-5 years...turned out to be 7 yrs! Then they went to Australia and then to Russia. (this is a pic of my uncle Ed and my mom recently in Flordia. My uncle is being silly and my mom has the biggest grin)
Today is an end of an era. This morning (a very snowy and cold Moscow Sunday), my mom caught a flight home. Her final return flight. She will now be permentantly living in Issaquah, WA. My dad has some final business trips to make, but will be making his final return in a few months (February I think).
Living overseas has been an experience for my mom. So many people have told her, "Great! Your home. Now you can serve a mission". Um...THEY HAVE BEEN SERVING SINCE 1995!!!
Yes, they haven't been on an official mission as a couple, but my dad was bishop in Germany, my mom was an extended stake missionary in Germany--serving in the Mission office and helping all the senior sisters. She served almost daily--driving people, helping them shop, filing things in the mission office. In Australia, my mom served as a visiting teacher to about 6 home bound sisters. She would make visits weekly. She also did a lot of fellowshipping and service in the ward in Australia. In Russia, she has once again helped the missionaries--hosting dinners and missionary discussions for investigators and new members. She has helped the sisters in Moscow by donating most of her apartment kitchen (pots, pans, silverware etc) to them. She has made blankets for the missionaries as well. She also collected fabric from various wards in the US and took back to her Moscow YW which they took to a local Iraqi refuge camp north of Moscow.
A lot of people think living overseas is just like your week vacation to Paris or Hawaii--totally fun 24/7. Sure, they get to travel and see neat places, but at the end of the day, they still do the normal things--clean the bathroom, prepare dinner, make the beds and dust. They don't go shopping everyday, infact sometimes they don't even leave their apartment. In Germany and Russia, they can't just turn on the TV and expect to find their favorite show--or at least find it in English. Yes, there are English stations, and they have found some great shows (especially the Canadian shows) that they have come to enjoy. Yes they get to call home, but they can only call at night, when its morning time in the states, because of the time difference. If they get sick, there are American clinics in the city, but its not as easy as running to Urgant Care or getting some Tylenol at Target. My mom has been so blessed by living overseas, but it hasn't always been easy.
Its an end of an era for my whole family. Grandkids will now have their grandparents a little closer. Visits won't require a 10 hour flight.
My mom has touched so many lives overseas. I love hearing their stories. The ward in Australia still contacts her about activities and news they have to share. Senior Sisters she worked with in Germany are always writing, calling or emailing. Many live in Utah and they always drop everything to visit with her when she comes. I recently ran into a sister missionary who served in Moscow right when my parents moved there. She spoke so lovingly of my mother and the service she gave.
I admire my mom so much. Giving to the poor. Helping those who don't have much. Inviting others over for dinner. She is always giving. 2 years ago, I contacted KSL TV and nominated my mom for their HIGH 5 award. They gave it to her on her birthday!!!
So, its an end of an mommy is coming home!
--Super Angie
Wow, that is a great tribute to your parents and their life. It sounds awesome to me!!!! I'm glad they will be is nice to have your parents close enough to call whenever you need them.
Angie, If your mommy has recovered from her jet lag and travel, our Christmas Dinner and Primary Nativity is on December 5th at the Rose Hill Chapel at 6:30. I can name several K1 members who would love to visit with her. Super Angie's Mom? Will you please come?
I wish I could come. I miss K1!!!
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