Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Super Angie...Super Julie

My dear sweet friend Julie surprised us tonight by coming to Dallin's birthday party with an extra gift---freshly homemade whole wheat bread. We could hardly wait to dig in. Rick and I shared a slice with jam, Brennan had his with butter, and Dallin had a PB&J sandwhich. Mmmmm...

Thanks Julie!!!

--Super Angie
PS...when Dallin found out that Julie had made it, he exclaimed, "SHE JUST MADE THIS?!!!" --I think he thought that couldn't be done.


Super Angie's MOM said...

Yum, I 'll be right over. Hope the B day party went well. Notice I am now coming from Issaquah instead of Moscow, I guess that sight is over....

JAnderegg said...

You are welcome! I love you guys!

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping