Sunday, October 28, 2007

Super Angie...China report. 8..funny signs

Always a Starbucks...

Look! Its the American Embassy!

In case you are wondering, they are renovating The Great Wall of China!

Don't use your phone on the Great Wall when there is a storm!

Why is it that other countries have such cool signs and pictures?

No joking matter! This was a 4 star bathroom...very important!!

No Striding. But Sauntering is allowed....

Cute Asiana Airlines Sign

LOOK! There ARE things made in the USA that are imported to China!! (found at a McDonald's)

Make sure to leave your Nukes in the car. They aren't allowed at the Hard Rock Cafe!

Cute picture!

Bless their hearts. They do try to get English grammer right.

I have no idea, but thought these big blow up dolls were cute.

With this tour company, you too can learn how to Impress China!

I will continue my trip reports later today, but for now will just post funny photos of funny signs I saw on my trip.

--Super Angie

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Climb On!
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