Friday, October 26, 2007

Super Angie...China report 5... day 3.. part two!

After Ming Tombs, we went to the Jade factory, had a quick tour, ate our lunch fast and then went shopping!!! Jade is so pretty but also kind of pricey. I bought a Ball of Happiness. (Dang it, I didn't take a picture of it. Click on this link to see one). The ball is down at the bottom of the page. It symbolizes your family generations. Very cool. Because I bought a huge one, the lady gave me a great deal on the smaller ones. YEA! (Christmas presents!!!)

After this, we set off for the trip of a visit the Great Wall of China!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started crying when I first saw we were approaching it. Amazing, simply amazing. Took my breath away. I highly recommend visiting it. Again, like standing on Red Sqaure, or seeing the Opera House in fantastic!!! I will let my pictures speak for themselves.

Photos: 1st: Joy and Rodger hiking the wall... look how happy they look! 2nd: steep stairs. Check it out. The wall is soooo steep. I can't believe Maddie and Colton basicly ran up the thing (and Connie too!!). 3rd: Me and Young (I don't know how to spell her name. She was our tour photographer. She made an awesome DVD for us of our trip as well as printed up great pictures of us. I love the one she took of me on the wall. I don't have it scanned yet though, so its not posted here.). 4th: Uneven steps. 5th: The Great Wall...a gorgeous view! 6th: the locks. You are supposed to buy a lock, have it engraved, lock it to the wall (with your loved one) and then together, throw the key into the woods. I didn't do it because I hope to come back with Rick next year. The great wall was a bit sad for me actually. Everyone had a partner to walk up it with except me and I was missing Rick the whole time. 7th: Me posing (doing the Japaness "peace" pose they all do). Love me hat and my coat and my new red Purse! YEA!!! 8th: another view of the wall....

--Super Angie

1 comment:

Billy Evmur said...

Hi Angie u r super China is a great country and your blog is great.

On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping