Thursday, November 11, 2010

Super Angie...thankful day 11

thankful day 11:
today I'm thankful for my Parents. My mom and dad are such beautiful examples of love, charity and service. They are always giving to others--time, money, goods, love. They have sent people to college who aren't their kids. They have financed church missions for people who aren't related. They feed the homeless. They clothe the naked. They fix other people's cars and computers. They make dinner for people who are feeling under
the weather. They
visit the sick in the hospital. And these things aren't just a "once in a while" occurrence. Daily they do these things. thanks Mom and Dad for your true example of what a Christian should be doing.
In times of money and times without, you have always found a way to serve others. I love you!

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On Belay

On Belay
Brennan Top Roping

Climb On!

Climb On!
Dallin top roping