Remember how I was talking my new found love for the state of Utah...well, here is another reason. Of course I know there are deer here in Cedar Hills....1st: you see them dead on the side of the road all the time. 2nd: when I lived here before and was up in the middle of the night with Brennan as a new born, I'd see them eating in my yard daily. 3rd: they poop in my yard.
Yesterday, while driving home from picking up Dallin at school, we found these deer just a few blocks from our house. They found a great spot thats in full sun, so there is no snow there...perfect for finding a nice bite of dinner. We stopped on the road, rolled down the windows and watched in aw. I love them!
Tonight, on the way home from the rock climbing gym, as we turned onto our street, we saw some 3 deer enjoying the front yard across the street from our house. They were cautious because they knew there was a car by them (a big scary yellow hummer!). I gave them space and they took it, crossed the street and happily walked through my yard and found some grass to enjoy. We watched and watched. Rick got out and followed them a bit. The kids and I drove around the block and followed them as they went into another neighbor's yard to eat. We saw 5 deer. It was awesome.
--Super Angie
It was funny tonight. I had the boys in the car driving them home from climbing camp, and I told them some deer stories. Just as we came around the corner by the house, we saw a deer in the middle of the street and three more in the yard across the street. I pulled over and rolled the window down and Bren got nervous that the deer would reach in and eat him. You came around the corner and I flashed the lights and you stopped to see the deer and take pics. I pulled into the drive and got out to follow them into the neighbor's yard. I followed them carefully around to the back yard and managed to get 20' away when they got spooked. It was great. Bren thought they were going to eat me too.
Great fun for the family, both human and animal. I don't get deer anymore here, just small animals now.
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