B is for Brennan, wild as can be.
R is for running, fast and free.
E is for ENERGY that never slows down.
N is for nice but sometimes he wears a frown.
N is for naughty but not for long
A is for athletic, yes hes SO STRONG!
N is for NOT FOR SALE...although sometimes I do think about it! :)
Brennan does give me headaches sometimes, but he sure does love his family, brother and sister. He loves primary, Jesus and God and he is very good about saying prayers. He keeps us all on our toes.
Love you Brennan!
--Super Angie
1 comment:
This post made me smile! You are a wonderful mom and not a bad poet. I hope you keep this in his scrapbook, journal or whatever you keep for him. It is truly a wonderful thing to keep and remember for him and for you.
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